After not caring about E3 for a few years, I decided to watch the three big press conferences this year. Well, I'm quite glad I did! Here's what I thought:
Microsoft: I'm a bit biased against them because I don't and never have owned any of their consoles. But the games they showed off were quite pretty, even if they seemed to be all sequels (but that was a running trend in all three conferences, I think). So I really didn't care about the games since I won't buy any. Now, Project Natal, on the other hand, was pretty damn amazing. It'll be interesting to see if it does anything to the younger/older crowd when it's released, which I don't think it will be before next E3. This one kept me pretty interested the whole time, though I'd look away during the games
Nintendo: Oooooo, Nintendo. I love Nintendo. Mostly. LOTS of stuff about Wii Fit, Wii Sports Resort...the casual things that I'm meh about. My mom likes this kind of stuff though, even though she doesn't want to spend $90 on Wii Fit. Now THEY had games I cared about! New Super Mario Bros. Wii looks fun (I've never played the DS version), especially with multiplayer available. And the Koopalings are back AND apparently the Yoshi's make SMW-style Yoshi noises :3 Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a maybe, considering that it's only 90% new levels and looks like a SMG expansion pack. Metroid: Other M looks BEAUTIFUL, and I've only played one Metroid game (Zero Mission) DS games...well, Golden Sun DS is an INSTANT preorder for me. I swore they were talking about Dragon Quest until they said "6 years" and then I was like "hmmm". ... >> << EEEEEEE YES SO EXCITED. vitality thing, my mom found that a bit scary, and...that's about it.
Sony: To be honest, I was falling asleep at this point (haven't been feeling well recently) and I had to leave before the end to deliever some meds to my friend. They started with boring numbers, but I was happy that they acknowledged the PS2's existence :) PSP Go wasn't anything new, but LOL $250 PRICE TAG. It's the new "five-hundred ninety-nine US dollars"! Feeling sorry for the Yerps that have to pay 250 Euros, too. Final Fantasy XIII and The Last Guardian look DAMN pretty, and I want them because it's so pretty. Final Fantasy XIV was out of left field and actually looks like a fantasy game...but it's Online. And that sucks. Wonder what'll happen to FF11 when that's released? Sony also had some new motion controller thing that I didn't catch much of, apparently it looks like a dildo? I guess motion controls are the new big thing that every company wants to do, since the Wii did it and the Wii prints money.
Overall? Tech-wise it's Microsoft > Nintendo > Sony. Game-wise it's Nintendo > Sony > Microsoft.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
1 comment:
I couldn't agree with you more. I feel the same way, though I'd be a little more harsh on Microsoft, because I think all their games are pretty much the same. I'm a maybe as well for Super Mario Galaxy. I didn't think it was good enough to warrant a sequel.
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