Thursday, January 29, 2009


[/Persona 3]

I need information about localization changes made in both Ar tonelico games. What information? Anything. Grammar, spelling, cut voices, inconsistencies, changed names, glitches...I need it all.

Post what you've got here.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Early Opinions on Ar tonelico 2

Might be spoilers if you haven't started the game yet. I'm 5 hours in, at the Ironplate Desert.

-Voices: So far the English track is quite enjoyable! I was surprised to find out that Amarie's VA is the same VA who did Margaret in Persona 4, one of the weaker links in a very good track. She's better doing Amarie's higher voice. Also, Infel is love.
-The cut voices aren't affecting me as much as I thought they would. I have a few moments of "Was this voiced? This should've been voiced. I wanna hear [character]'s voice, when is there a scene with them voiced?"
-Laura Bailey + voiced hymmnos = oh yesssss
-What IS bugging me are the grammar mistakes, mistranslations, and missed translations. Is it Pombleton, Bomberton, or Bon Beltan?! Those corrupted lines of text where they forgot to take out kana is annoying, too.
-"But...doing it with the Holy Maiden...I just can't believe it." "If you hurt me...I'll never forgive you. Slide it in, slowly...carefully." "You came again? You really like it, don't you..." If you can't tell, I love the innuendo. A lot. Even if it's not really innuendo, but just taking lines out of context. I've been laughing a lot so far.
-Also text related, I'm glad I'm able to play it in English, since I'm picking up on little side notes that I missed out just reading about the main plot. Example: Amarie saying that the lullaby Reisha sings is the same song that Sonya would sing

Overall, I'm still enjoying the game, despite all the flaws. The flaws were a bit...I dunno, I can't think of a word. I won't be preordering NISA games from now on because of them. There's an undub floating out there, I'm downloading it just because I can. If I feel like playing through one of the routes with the Japanese track on, I might use it, but right now I'm pretty much content with the official NA version.

Friday, January 23, 2009

And finally...Ar tonelico 2!


Let's see how far I get tonight!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cost to repair my laptop?


If I didn't need it for school, I wouldn't have gotten it repaired. They needed to replace the outer case, the LCD screen, and the video card, and because it ended up classified as "user-created damages", warranty didn't cover it.

Thank goodness for a backlog, I guess? This is one reason why I won't be buying many games from now on. I said that I would buy Prinny, Mana Khemia 2, and Cross Edge. Prinny was preordered last week, but I plan to wait for post-release reactions for MK2 and CE now.

Maybe I'll get Suikoden Tierkreis instead? Or that DS Valkyrie Profile game, though it's an SRPG. Not going for the Star Ocean remakes right now, going to wait for used copies of those to pop up...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

AT2 get!

Well, mom got it. She told me she's not even going to open it XD Just going to stick another address label on it and ship it to me tomorrow. I think I begged enough to send it next-day shipping...

So I should have it Thursday! Shame that the mail comes so late here, around 5:00 PM, and I have class early on Friday, and on Saturday.

Monday, January 19, 2009

January is trolling me

(I usually don't post about real life stuff in here, but I need to rant)

-Started off the month with food poisoning.

-Lots of projects, leaving little free time. Persona 4 pushed to the side

-My laptop decides to have its video card crap out the week a project is due. Luckily I have my desktop, luckily there are trials for Illustrator and InDesign, and luckily my logo design is on the school server. I get to take a trip to the Apple Store to drop off poor Miakis (and buy an external HD and firewire cable to back her up once I get her back).

-Internet was down all afternoon, making me freak out even more.

I'm really freaking overwhelmed, and I hate it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wasting Time

I have discovered Touhou.

Worst weekend to do so, since I've got a project due soon.

Bullet hell is fun, the game is pretty, and the music is awesome.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Early Opinions on Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and Rune Factory 2

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
-The graphics are a bit blurrier than I'm used to, but still beautiful.
-I keep getting bored when I have to sit through 30+ minutes of recruitment every chapter. I just wanna do the dungeons~
-I plan to do the Seraphic Gate this time. Hooboy.

Rune Factory 2
-The days seem to be longer than a normal HM game, longer than the first RF even. I'm only in Summer!
-However, raising people's FP and LP is a lot easier. I've got 4 girls ready to marry me. Granted, this is Generation 1 that I'm talking about, and I'm sure it's harder in the longer Generation 2 section.
-Speaking of Gen2, I want to get there quickly, but really want to get all the girls to 10 FP/LP first...especially Rosalind, since she gives 50k Gold for one of her late quest rewards!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Busy morning of sorts?

Preorders for Prinny PSP went up today, so I got this version because I need a PSP case, I like plushies, and I already have the Disgaea manga. Of course, this all came after waffling over ordering before I decided to, since I bought the PSP FOR this game.

(please let it not suck, the last time I bought a system for a game, the game was downright horrible)

Why I waffled? NISA pulled the carpet out from under my feet with Jaclyn. Yeah. I'm taking this calmly because I know I'll get used to it as I did with Jacqli, and it's no use screaming over something that won't be changed. The game's probably gone gold by now, anyway.

Oh, and if I had $300 to throw away, I'd totally get this.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Poll! What figure should I buy?

In a bit of a spending cash mood, so maybe I should treat myself to something? I have a pretty long list of figures I want, so I picked five from that list that were available from online stores (none from eBay). Of course, I can't decide which one to aim for, so I'll leave that up to you.

1: Louise Fallsmeyer (Growlanser) - I'm a pretty big Growlanser fan, but the only "fan" thing I have is a (beat up) artbook and the feelies from the US game releases. I should get something more.

2: Rozalin (Disgaea 2) - I haven't played this game yet, but I think the figure is kinda pretty. And hot.

3: Miku (Vocaloid) - I entered a contest for this but didn't win. I think Miku is adorable :3

4: Blanc Neige (Shining series) - I haven't touched this series either, but it's a girl with white hair, and that's one of my weaknesses.

5: Urutorii (Utawarerumono) - I got the Kamyu figure for Christmas, so having her sister would make a nice pair.

Sunday, January 4, 2009