Well, mom got it. She told me she's not even going to open it XD Just going to stick another address label on it and ship it to me tomorrow. I think I begged enough to send it next-day shipping...
So I should have it Thursday! Shame that the mail comes so late here, around 5:00 PM, and I have class early on Friday, and on Saturday.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
I think it's good she didn't open it. There's a certain something about opening it yourself for the first time.
I'm really hoping my copy isn't held up and/or torn open by Customs...
Usually she'll open stuff to make sure that everything's there. She's a bit paranoid.
I'm kinda like that too. When I buy games, DVDs and stuff, I always check what's inside before I put a single foot outside the store to see if everything's there.
Once before I started doing that, I actually bought a game without a game inside >_<
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