[/Persona 3]
I need information about localization changes made in both Ar tonelico games. What information? Anything. Grammar, spelling, cut voices, inconsistencies, changed names, glitches...I need it all.
Post what you've got here.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
I'm guessing the forums would probably be the best place to compile a HUEG LIST OF CHANGES thread, given the number of people who go there. I've seen various changes mentioned for AT2 that I'm sure you're aware of; I'm less sure re: AT1....
That would've worked so much better if you still had your Aigis avatar XD.
I'll be sure to help you as much as I can in that topic. It's easy for me see what voices were cut since the voice files lists for the English and NISA cutdown Japanese are that same as the original Japanese one, except having 0:00 time values in the places where they cut the audio. However, I won't be going through it until I finish the game.
"I'm guessing the forums would probably be the best place to compile a HUEG LIST OF CHANGES thread, given the number of people who go there. I've seen various changes mentioned for AT2 that I'm sure you're aware of; I'm less sure re: AT1...."
Any changes that you find you can put in the post I linked to in this blog post. And direct others to do the same, I'm not much of a person who directs other people to places...
"It's easy for me see what voices were cut since the voice files lists for the English and NISA cutdown Japanese are that same as the original Japanese one, except having 0:00 time values in the places where they cut the audio. However, I won't be going through it until I finish the game."
That's fine, I'm not taking as many notes while going through the game, and I should be. I only noticed one error last night...
Oh btw, do you need the original names of the ATI characters? Since I have the Settei book I could easily look them up for you. I'm not sure but maybe some location and other names are in there too.
I think I have the Settei book, if that one is the large book here, third one on the top row.
Ah great, that's excellent!
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