Talk about a nice thing to wake up to in the morning! Caught it through a topic on GameFAQs that I almost read before watching the trailer for myself. Now, about the voices in general...I LIKE THEM. They're GOOD. Not horrible in the least. I'm judging them on the short lines given in the trailer, but still. GOOD. Detailed comments in spoilers:
Croix: Hearing this first made me squee almost, because it fits near perfectly. I like it a lot, I will be able to stand hearing him the whole game. Definitely not Yuri Lowenthal, but I'm hearing a twang of Derek Stephen Prince in him.
Luca: 95% sure she's Karen Strassman, making my guess correct. Misha! Hehe. I like it, it fits her fine. I want to take her path again!
Cloche: In the trailer, she really sounds near exactly like Luca...with a bit of an accent. It's not Mela Lee, for sure.
Cocona: Only one line, but I like it. I had Sandy Fox as a guess, but I couldn't tell you what her voice sounds like. Sounds young enough for a cute loli like Cocona.
Leglius: 80% sure that he's Steven Jay Blum, I can hear the Arlin (Atelier Iris) in him, making my guess correct. A bit higher than I expected, but it's rough and manly, hee.
Amarie: Only one line, can't tell who it is at all. It's fine.
Of course I'm going to need to listen to them a LOT more when playing the game. These are just my first impressions. At least they're good first impressions, right?
General notes about the trailer, also in spoilers:
Cloche is one syllable, something I didn't expect. That's the way I was saying it in my head and I thought it was wrong, but it was right.
Also...Jakuri is totally revealed in that trailer. In the Japanese trailer, she's in shadow with the name ???. She's SUPPOSED to be a secret character, the special third RT! So they just ruined the surprise...
The one cutscene they showed, the one after the characters...Luca's voice was a bit off there, and the line was translated from "Don't destroy this world" to "No!" A bit of emotional impact lost, but I didn't know because I didn't know the translation of the Japanese line.
I'm all hyped again for the game now...
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
...I sort of want to see. And I sort of don't.
I bet they use a huge chunk of the intro animation, and I kind of want to leave that fresh. I want my first impression of that to be formed when I actually go into the game. So I may not be watching this.
And as I'm not going to listen to the English voices if I can help it (i.e. dual audio, NISA, pleeeeeeeeease give us dual audio), the only one I'm really terribly curious about is Jakuri's. I know no matter what they do for her it can't match up to her Japanese voice in my mind, so I'm going to be pained no matter what, but... still, mildly curious. But that won't be in a trailer.
So... yay that this exists! I think I shall be avoiding it for now, though. Only two more months... I can make it...
Yeah, they use a lot of the opening, and the opening music too. You're so good about staying away from spoilers :3
I think you should listen to each character's english VA once, just to hear them, but that's just me. After hearing the ones from the trailer, I believe I'll be playing with the English track.
You're not missing much. If you've seen the Japanese trailer, it's the exact same thing, but in English. There's only one thing that's different between them.
Yeah, they use a lot of the opening, and the opening music too. You're so good about staying away from spoilers :3
You really think so? I feel like I've been spoiled for quite a few things already. I just don't go looking intentionally... instead, I'm surfing around fanning over Jakuri stuff, and whoops, a spoiler. That's what always gets me.
And, hm, I mis-stated myself there, my bad; I will definitely be listening to the English voices at least once. I am just highly unlikely to play with them on. But I'll definitely listen to what they sound like.
(I haven't seen the Japanese trailer, either, for the same reasons as I won't watch the English one.)
Well, accidentally coming across a spoiler and knowingly spoiling yourself are two different things, in my opinion. Back a year ago when topics came up marked with spoilers, I dove right in without a second thought. Browsed all the scans, watched the trailer as soon as it appeared...
Though watching trailers after you've played the game is interesting, too! I did that with Lunar 2, actually.
Sigh...spoilers and Closh? wth?...
they really have outdid themselves this time...>_>
oh and good speculations there i must say.
Well, speaking of the voices, I'm up to give them a chance (at least to see if they can manage to pronounce correctly the download spell for the IPD Reyvateils)...
And Ayulsa, you really are admirable with that will you have to avoid being spoiled further.
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