I don't think I've anticipated a game this much since Golden Sun: The Lost Age. That was even the last one where I played the Japanese version before the English release and got rather far. I'm not even looking that forward to playing it, I've done that already, I just want to have it on my shelf and hear the voices.
And I pretty much kept forgetting about Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and Chrono Trigger DS. Both games snuck up on me, and I didn't preorder either since I don't expect any shortages.
I've got to stop thinking about AT2 so much. I've got a massive backlog of other games to keep my attention, and Persona 4 is due in a month (I'm getting it for Christmas, so it's more like 1.5 months for me). And there's other things, like school projects and Thanksgiving break, and...and...I'll be insane by January. Or have a few ulcers. Or just keel over.
Letra - Eldharia ~Inori Saku Mori~
1 year ago
Heh, you aren't the only one that is in this condition right now.
I have also a rather long backlog of games right now, and I keep forgetting about some of these when thinking about AT2 (not to mention all the times I get enraged because of the unsensible remarks from some people).
Yes, the rage. I've never seen so many people divided on a translation before.
With my backlog, I keep planning too far ahead. I say that I'll play Chrono Trigger DS, Disgaea DS, Persona 4...and I don't own any of those games yet!
I feel you, seriously. x_x There have been times when I've been so worked up just [i]wanting it to happen[/i] that I feel like I can't wait to burn through the minutes. I realised I was missing out on the joy of dwelling in my own personal mental construct of the game by doing that, and since then I've been able to ache a little less, but still. It burns.
A big part of it for me is that once I do know, my head will have so much new material from which it can spin off stories, theories, analyses, concepts. I know all that's waiting there for me to be uncovered, for me to connect to and explore and indulge in and savour, yet I NO CAN HAS. And knowing that there's so much about Jakuri I don't know and wondering about what might come and needing to know the squeeful bits so I can truly squee over them rather than just hoping... that's a big part of it too.
Rawr. The time seems to drag. But we'll make it somehow. This won't actually kill us, and then we'll be standing there on the shores of it, together. But rawr.
...eheh, and you can tell I've been on the forums Too Much when I start substituting BBcode for HTML. XD;
I also want to know all the little tidbits. I know the story, but I want to know what they were saying the talk topics, or in the shops.
And the time IS dragging x.x Though my sense of time is thrown off because I'm in my third week of classes, but it's only the second week of November...
My classes are also getting killer with each week, though at least I'm getting back on feet (the vacations got me out of balance the first month).
And as it's always said "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", so we'll be better off when this painful wait finally ends (and I'll be sure to make a hymn to celebrate when the time comes!)
*Is ashamed to admit that I'm not that excited about AT2...for now, anyway*
'Course, some here already know why that is...
I think you'll be more excited when you've finished Cross Edge, Thunder, perhaps?
And Aquagon, looking forward to that hymn. That's going to be an intense moment of celebration for all of us, and how better to pour out our deepest feelings and let all that pent-up emotion rush free than with a sincere and heartfelt song? It's a fitting celebration of the game, as well as a fitting release for our poor, aching hearts.
I bet being on the forum doesn't really help you stop thinking about it either. :D
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