Well, most of it anyway. I don't have my SNES, N64, or majority of my GB games with me in FL. You can view my full list of games at my Backloggery page. As usual, click on the thumbnails to see the full pic:
Why thank you *bows* I'll try to get pics of the rest of my collection when I go back home around Christmas. The only problem with this shelf is...I have no more room...
This is where I rant. Rant about video games. I don’t always rant, maybe I’ll also review or post playthrough updates. Or even talk about something different like anime.
I’m Kari. I’m 21 and I live in FL. I’m going to college for art–no wait, design. And art. Sorta.
Favorite video games: Suikoden, Ar tonelico, Shin Megami Tensei, Valkyria Chronicles
Favorite anime: Slayers, Full Metal Panic, Claymore, Vandread
I... Am impressed!
Why thank you *bows* I'll try to get pics of the rest of my collection when I go back home around Christmas. The only problem with this shelf is...I have no more room...
*same reaction as Rar*
It'd take me forever to collect that many games.
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