Monday, December 29, 2008
That last game came free with the system. Luckily it's pretty fun.
Oh, and because GameStop had their buy 2 get one free sale going on, I picked up Tales of Legendia for free.
And before that I picked up volumes 1 and 2 of the Disgaea 2 manga.
Also! I'm going to stop buying video games for real this time! I have 101 that I need to beat, which is exactly 50% of my beatable collection. Though that 101 doesn't count AT2, Prinny, or Cross Edge...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
And here's a picture of a cat in a sweater :3
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Kari's Guide to Present Guessing
...because even if you know what you're getting, it's fun to guess what's wrapped where.
Every present that I'm getting, not counting the stuff in the stocking. And one of those red ones I found out wasn't mine, but was for my cat...oh well. It's not in any other pics. And I got to open one last night, obviously.
DS-sized gifts are easy because the case square, is thicker than a CD case, and has an indentation on one side. Other than FF4, this should be Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, Rune Factory 2, and Chrono Trigger DS.
PS2/PS3/Wii/Xbox/360/DVD sized gifts are a crapshoot because you don't know which one of the above it'll be, especially if you own every single one of those systems. The far right one is lighter than the others, so I'm guessing that as Fate/Stay Night DVD 5. The other two...Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness? Persona 4? Tales of Symphonia 2? Something I don't know that I'm getting?!
Books are easy to spot because they have three sides indented and one flat. Also, paperbacks are bendable, and hardcovers have a specific sound to them when you knock on 'em. The top-middle green one is two manga, probably Venus Versus Virus 3 and 5. One of the white ones is a Japanese lesson book, but I was able to read through the wrapping...should be a how to draw book in there, the Daily Coyote book, and a cookbook.
The dreated nondescript box. Usually you get these when the gift giver is too lazy to unpack things they've ordered online. DVD boxsets also look like these. You never know what you'll get form these. Anything I listed above could be in these boxes instead of separately wrapped...However, if you get the chance to open a present early, I'd go for a box, because you might get more than one thing :3
Finally, the weird shaped ones can be anything from two things put together, to a really weird shaped package, like a figure in a blister pack. The top part of this is squishy and the bottom is hard, so it has to be two things put together...It has to be a plushie and a PS2/Wii game.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
NISA Interview @ RPGamer
-More over-the-top Innuendo (it deserves the capital I) in AT2...I can see where it would happen, there's a good scene early on.
-Cross Edge in MARCH?! I've got three months to save up...about $325. And I wanted to grab a PSP for Prinny, too...
-Also, Mana Khemia 2 looks like it'll make its way across the pond. Hopefully they fix that game-breaking glitch I've read about that makes you not able to get all endings or something.
-I do hope 2009 is a better year for them than 2008 was. Sure, Disgaea 3 and Mana Khemia were nice, and Disgaea DS is good for PSP-less me, but they really killed themselves with the Rhapsody fiasco.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Oh happy day~
Which I don't mind about at all! The last thing I wanted was dual audio, and here it is.
Also, looks like good news for Cross Edge!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Early Opinions on Disgaea DS
-The music quality did suffer, but I haven't noticed if the graphics have like some people say.
-I miss the voice acting, but honestly if I hadn't played the PS2 version already, I don't think I would've noticed.
-I'm 7 hours in, and I'm only at the START of Episode 2! Been grinding in item world. I already have a level 40-some Statistician.
-Pleinair is GOD. She's my highest leveled at 13, and NOTHING hits her. Laharl is 11, Etna is 8. Whoops.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Review: Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm
Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm
Platform: PS2
Genre: RPG
Playtime: 32:53
So this game wraps up my runthrough of the three Atelier Iris games, which I got through in about six months. This one took me about three weeks to beat, which surprised me.
Gameplay: 6/10 Nothing special about controlling Edge than in other RPGs, except that he can jump and slash things on the field. I'd talk about a world map, but there is none--there's one main hub, and five dungeons that are accessed through this one town. The dungeons range from the typical forest to the typical haunted castle. The worst part about them is that you'll have to go through the beginning parts every time you want to access deeper areas, and you'll be doing this a lot because of the quest system. It would've been nice to have teleporters that lead you in deeper (like Persona 3), or a random spawn point in the dungeon each time you entered to cut down on all the travel time.
The quest system. To move the story along, you have to do quests to get guild points. When you get a certain number of points (it changes every chapter), you're sent on that chapter's mission. There are three types of quests: Guild/Help quests that give points, Fetch quests (delivering items to people) that give you money/items, and Combat quests (fighting monsters) that also give you money/items. Money isn't too useful in this game, items are ten times more useful. So you really can't just do guild quests to move the game along, you'll run out of things to do alchemy with.
Ah yes, alchemy. You learn new recipes from recipes gotten from quests, but also from idea markers in the field. The more stuff you make, the higher your alchemy level is, and the more ideas you get/can find. Your best weapons, armor, and items are gotten through alchemy, and Iris' stats raise along with the alchemy levels. Item crafting is fun, but I miss being able to use elements like in the other two AI games. And you're going to spend a lot of time in front of that cauldron making items and fiddling with recipes to get better skills, so get used to it.
Battles are like AI2: Turn based, with a skill gauge that you build up with normal attacks, then you use skills that deplete this meter. There's also a "burst" meter at the bottom--the more hits you give enemies, the more this builds up, with points given/taken away for hitting enemy weaknesses/strengths. When this maxes out, you go into "burst mode" which gives extra exp and money, and you do a ton more damage. The ACCB bar at the top shows who will go next. You and the enemies can add on timed attacks to the cards. Even with all this, it's nothing special, just another turned based battle system. Bursts are fun to get, though, because you can do obscene damage...
Enemies are on screen instead of random encounters (think Chrono Trigger, Lunar, Persona 3). Blue ones you can slash and be done with, white ones are around your level, red ones are a bit stronger, big red ones are a lot stronger, and giant red ones are bosses. You can slash enemies for an advantage, or just run into them to start the fight, but I'm sure you want an advantage. I always have trouble with levelling in games like this, because I end up jumping over all the enemies, but I know people prefer this to the sudden random encounters out of nowhere.
Story: 5/10 Edge and Iris are Raiders, people who go into Alterworlds to do quests for the guild and people of the town. Iris has this book which turns out to be the Escalario, a book that can supposedly grant any wish. Of course, stuff happens, and you gotta go save the world now. The major problem I had with the story was how spaced out actual story events were. You have to get guild points to get to the story missions, so if you've been doing lots of minor quests, you might forget what's going on, and be confused with the story events that don't take up much time at all. I'm sure if they took out all of the padding the quests give, this game would be around 10 hours long. It's not fleshed out too well either. What exactly happened to Crowley to make him go evil? Did Yula and Alvero really want that power just to kick your ass (especially Yula!). Why was Ash SO against you? Heck, I think who Ash is was mentioned once (strongest Raider or something). Also, how did the extra Shadow Gem quest make Iris able to come back to life? A lot of parts just needed more explanation, that's all...
Characters: 6.5/10 Edge is a seemingly cold-hearted stick-in-the-mud, and that's all you learn about him. Iris is the alchemist in this game, a bit of an action girl. She's what the MacGuffin in the story revolves around, so she gets a bit of backstory in terms of what the alchemists did in the past. Nell is annoying and wants to rebuild her family fortune...and that's all her backstory. Once she joins your party, it's never really brought up again. Some NPCs like Meyna and Rufina get more backstory than the main characters do! So again, my favorite characters ended up being NPCs instead of the main set (Anna and Phenyl, if you're wondering.) Yes, there's only three playable characters, I would've liked one or two more, but if they didn't get backstory, maybe it was for the better.
Voices were nothing special. We get to hear Michelle Ruff as the lead girl yet again (she was Viese in AI2). Vic Mignogna does a good Edge, rough but not too low. Nell...sorry Stephanie Sheh, I liked you as Metis and Silmeria, but here you're WAY too high and squeaky, and it got annoying. Nell, Phenyl, and some of the high-pitched enemies are the weak voices of this game.
Graphics: 8/10 As with the rest of the series, and Ar tonelico, the 2D graphics are beautiful and detailed. Some of the backgrounds, like the entrance to Grimoire Castle, are almost breathtaking when you first see them. My worst problem with the graphics was when I had to do some platform jumping (platforming? In my RPG?!). It's a bit hard to tell exactly where in the psuedo-3D space where some platforms are...or if you can even jump on them *fistshake at Valtessa forest*
Music: 8.5/10 Beautiful, but I love all of Gust's music. Ken Nakagawa was the sole composer for this OST, I believe. The battle themes are my favorite, with Rain of Blossoms at the top. I also love Grand Phantasm, shame it only plays on the file loading screen! After a while you'll probably get sick of hearing the same dungeon and town themes over and over, though.
Overall rating: 6.8/10
Recommendation: If you're a Gust fan or have played the other Atelier Iris games, pick this up. If you haven't played any of the AI series, go play Atelier Iris 2 and skip this one and AI1. Especially AI1.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Ar tonelico II English Trailer is LIVE
Croix: Hearing this first made me squee almost, because it fits near perfectly. I like it a lot, I will be able to stand hearing him the whole game. Definitely not Yuri Lowenthal, but I'm hearing a twang of Derek Stephen Prince in him.
Luca: 95% sure she's Karen Strassman, making my guess correct. Misha! Hehe. I like it, it fits her fine. I want to take her path again!
Cloche: In the trailer, she really sounds near exactly like Luca...with a bit of an accent. It's not Mela Lee, for sure.
Cocona: Only one line, but I like it. I had Sandy Fox as a guess, but I couldn't tell you what her voice sounds like. Sounds young enough for a cute loli like Cocona.
Leglius: 80% sure that he's Steven Jay Blum, I can hear the Arlin (Atelier Iris) in him, making my guess correct. A bit higher than I expected, but it's rough and manly, hee.
Amarie: Only one line, can't tell who it is at all. It's fine.
Of course I'm going to need to listen to them a LOT more when playing the game. These are just my first impressions. At least they're good first impressions, right?
General notes about the trailer, also in spoilers:
Cloche is one syllable, something I didn't expect. That's the way I was saying it in my head and I thought it was wrong, but it was right.
Also...Jakuri is totally revealed in that trailer. In the Japanese trailer, she's in shadow with the name ???. She's SUPPOSED to be a secret character, the special third RT! So they just ruined the surprise...
The one cutscene they showed, the one after the characters...Luca's voice was a bit off there, and the line was translated from "Don't destroy this world" to "No!" A bit of emotional impact lost, but I didn't know because I didn't know the translation of the Japanese line.
I'm all hyped again for the game now...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My Ar tonelico Collection Part 2
Friday, November 21, 2008
Because I love making lists
Check it out.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Early Opinions on Atelier Iris 3
-Nell is going to get annoying faster. Edge is a stick in the mud, and Yula is PMSing.
-Loving the battle system for some reason, maybe because I can avoid enemies when I want to, auto-win battles by slashing low-level enemies, and the Burst system is really cool.
-I understand why Iris has to get "ideas" to learn new recipes, but it means even more dungeon backtracking...
-Yay Pamela!
Hoping to beat this before January so I can have all three AI games beaten this year :3
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ar tonelico speedrun!
After learning how to Grathmeld-
Tenba Labs- 0:24
Terraced Fields-
Taking Aurica's path to avoid an evil boss in Misha's.
Am I insane? Probably, but I've been thinking about this for a while now.
Problems/list of stuff:
-Lag. Ohhhh the lag.
-When to Dive, who to Dive into, how far to go? (Probably Aurica, though Misha has a mandatory Lv1)
-What items to get/make? Definitely Peeka (RC Pig), but what about attack or healing items?
-If/when to levelgrind?
-How possible IS a low level game, because a speedrun is that, just with the added "bonus" of having to rush through everywhere. Usually with LLGs you still get all the items, so you're equipped fine, but low level...
-Lots of other things that I can't remember right now.
Wish me luck?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Ar tonelico II is going to kill me
And I pretty much kept forgetting about Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World and Chrono Trigger DS. Both games snuck up on me, and I didn't preorder either since I don't expect any shortages.
I've got to stop thinking about AT2 so much. I've got a massive backlog of other games to keep my attention, and Persona 4 is due in a month (I'm getting it for Christmas, so it's more like 1.5 months for me). And there's other things, like school projects and Thanksgiving break, and...and...I'll be insane by January. Or have a few ulcers. Or just keel over.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My Game Collection

Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Ar tonelico Collection
AT2 Comments - Character Names
Number of names kept the same: 5
Chroah Vatel - Croix Bartel: Like the La Pucelle character? I really don’t know how to pronounce this one, but people say it’s kinda close. It was the first name to come out, way back in July, so I’m used to it now. Has a bit of…flair to it. I’m perfectly fine with the last name.
Chroche Latel Pastalie - Cloche Leythal Pastalia: I read Cloche and I think it’s pronounced “closh”, which makes me think of galoshes (y’know, those boots you wear in the rain). It’s just a case of crazy Japanese R/L-ness, and besides, two characters starting with “Chro” might get confusing (though now I wonder what Sasha’s nicknames will be). Leythal is the same thing, but Pastalia is wrong. Quoted from aquagon: Pastalie is the name of the Metafalss lineage of Priestesses (of which Cloche is part of), and of the Hymnos dialect employed by the IPD Reyvateils for the casting of their songs (the New Testament of Pastalie).
Luca Truelywaath - Luca Truelyworth: Boo. I went over the whole Trulywaath thing in my other post, but tl;dr is that it’s hymmnos and shouldn’t be changed.
Cocona Vatel - Cocona Bartel: No problem here.
Legris Branchesca - Leglius Branchesca: I keep seeing (and saying!) this as Legilus, which makes me think of Legolas. Another case of crazy Japanese R/L-ness, it’ll just take some getting used to.
Amarie Jerhad - Amarie: No problem here…yet. Who knows what they'll do to her last name?
Jakuri - Jacqli: Sorry, but this one was just revealed, and because Jakuri is my favorite character, I’m going through a bit of a Zoey Reaction right now. I’ll come back later.
*comes back*'s kinda...pretty. And pronounced the almost-same. There, I said it!!
Reisha Truelywaath - Reisha Trulyworth: Same as Luca.
Batz Truelywaath - Batz Trulyworth: Same as Luca and Reisha.
Soup - Soope: Ehhh. I knew this was going to change. I keep saying it as “soopy”, though.
Gengorou - Goro: Goro is a masculine Japanese name, or so I hear, and Gengorou is a cute pink haired girl (ish). But I’ve actually gotten used to this one, so…yeah.
Alfman Uranous - Alfman Uranus: Close enough for me!
Dr. Roudness - Dr. Laude: Actually, I think they treated this one well, because he has a bit of a weird name when brought into English.
Targana - Targana: THIS MAKES THREE!
Chestar Lu Whinoah - Chester Lou Winoah: Close enough here too.
Reionsetsu Rakura - Lakra And apparently Lakra is a naughty word in Spanish, but an NISA staffer admitted that they can’t always cross check between languages. So it’s another L/R thing.
Sincere - Cynthia: Most of the importers were calling her Cynthia anyway, so it’s perfectly fine.
Sasha - Sasha: AND THIS IS FOUR!
Soraneko/Rerena - Skycat/Lelina: Okay, so…“sora” and “neko”, which translates directly to “sky” and “cat”, so they just did a direct translation here. I actually wish they changed this, because it’s a weird name. Lelina is very pretty, though most people were expecting Relena.
Rhaki - Raki: Perfectly fine.
Pepen - Pippen: You mean like the LoTR guy, that was his name, right? It’s growing on me, though.
Reika - Leyka: Another L/R thing, and I actually think this fits better because they went with Luca instead of Ruka (reasons are spoilers)
Spica - Spica: THANK GOODNESS THEY KEPT THIS ONE (makes it five!). Heads would've flown if they hadn't.
Frelia - Frelia: SIX NAMES! Also thank goodness, because at this point I was expecting a Fleria or something. Keeps consistency with AT1, too.
Massive Post of Ar tonelico II Localization Changes
Me Being an Ar tonelitard
Link to NISA’s official AT2 site
Spoilers might be floating about, so tread carefully. Last updated 11/25.
Chroah Vatel - Croix Bartel
Chroche Latel Pastalie - Cloche Leythal Pastalia
Luca Truelywaath - Luca Truelyworth
Cocona Vatel - Cocona Bartel
Legris Branchesca - Leglius Branchesca
Amarie Jerhad - Amarie Gelade
Shun - Shun
Jakuri - Jacqli
Reisha Truelywaath - Reisha Trulyworth
Batz Truelywaath - Batz Trulyworth
Soup - Soope
Gengorou - Goro
Infel - Infel
Nenesha -
Alfman Uranous - Alfman
Dr. Roudness - Dr. Laude
Targana - Targana
Chestar Lu Whinoah - Chester Lou Winoah
Reionsetsu Rakura - Lakra
Sincere - Cynthia
Sasha - Sasha
Soraneko (Rerena) - Skycat (Lelina)
Rhaki - Raki
Rheki -
Pepen - Pippen
Reika - Leyka
Frelia - Frelia
Tyria - Tyria
Spica - Spica
Nono -
Asche - Arshe
Pastalia - Pastalia
Rakshak - Rakshek
Ena - Enna
Mint Ward - Mint Block
Forest of Mikuri - Mikry Forest
Yumemino - Dreamy Fields
Kanakana (not sure what this was called, really) - Kanakana Pier
Infel Phira - Infel Pira
Replekia - Replakia
Musume Power - Hymn Code
Funbuns - Funboons
Grathnode Inferia - Grasno Inferia
My VA guess list
Chroah: Yuri Lowenthal
Chroche: Mela Lee
Luca: Karen Strassman
Cocona: Sandy Fox
Amarie: Jessica Straus
Legris: Steven Jay Blum/Kirk Thornton (so what if I put two names?)
Shun: Dave Wittenberg
Jakuri: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
Frelia: Michelle Ruff
Infel: Stephanie Sheh
Gengorou: Mona Marshall
Reisha: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (yeah I put her twice, so what?)
Alfman: Jamieson Price
Spica: whoever voiced her in the first game
Sasha: Lara Jill Miller
General Comments
Whew, okay. First I guess a speech about how I usually am with translations? I really don’t care most of the time. Persona 4 and changing Kuma to Teddie and adding in bear puns…I’m fine with that, it makes the game make sense to use English speaking people. Different translations from katakana are fine too (see Reika to Leyka for an example).
The major beef I and others have? The hymmnos. One of the original things about the game is this language. The hymmnos changes are near unacceptable to me, even if the katakana makes sense.
Take Truelywaath for an example. The katakana is トゥルーリーワース (Turūrīwāsu). So Trulyworth makes sense since worth would be written as wāsu anyway. BUT! “waath” means “revive/rebirth” in hymmnos, so her name translates to “true revival/rebirth” which really fits in with the fact that she’s one of the priestesses who sing Metafalica, the song of rebirth. Also, Infel Phira means “love seed”. There is no “pira” in hymmnos. And there’s no “replakia” either.
There’s the “hymn code” issue. Why call it that when the hymn code is what you use to install into a Reyvateil? The Musume Power (Girl Power) isn’t a code or anything, it’s just an IPD equipped to you. Plus on the site I believe they say hymn codes were used to augment weapons in AT1. That was called Grathmelding…
I’m sure someone out there understands all of this stuff about translations, right? Right? D: On a Sliding Scale of Game Translation Bitching, with the right side being the “If they change anything it sucks” and the left side being the “I don’t give a damn if they name Tomoyo Madison”…I’m kinda between the center and right, drifing to the right.
And it worries me.